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Med ett appstyrt smartlås elimineras risken att nycklar och koder tappas bort eller hamnar i fel händer.

Infobric revolutionerar byggbranschen med mobilt dörrlås

Infobric utvecklar digitala lösningar och innovationer som ökar säkerheten och effektiviteten på byggarbetsplatsen. Nu lanserar företaget ett helt nytt dörrlås där mobilt är ledordet. Med Ease Smart Lock tar Infobric byggprojektet bort från tidskrävande nyckelhantering och in i den digitala världen. Systemet gör behörighetsstyrd inpassering på byggarbetsplatsen smidigare och säkrare än någonsin.

Infobric acquires BlastManager AS

Infobric acquires BlastManager AS

​Through the acquisition of the Norwegian IT company BlastManager AS, Infobric further strengthens its position as a digitization partner to the construction industry’s stakeholders and provides the executive group with specialist expertise in IT solutions for safer and efficient blasting work.

Infobric acquires BlastManager AS

Infobric acquires BlastManager AS

​Through the acquisition of the Norwegian IT company BlastManager AS, Infobric further strengthens its position as a digitization partner to the construction industry’s stakeholders and provides the executive group with specialist expertise in IT solutions for safer and efficient blasting work.

Infobric kjøper BlastManager AS

Infobric gjør et nytt oppkjøp i Norge: Styrker konsernet med spesialkompetanse innen IT-system for sprengningsbransjen.

© BlastManager AS 2019. BlastManager AS grundades 2006 i Kristiansand och utvecklar digitala tjänster för planering och dokumentation av sprängningsarbeten.

Infobric förvärvar BlastManager AS

Infobric gör nytt förvärv i Norge: Stärker koncernen med specialistkompetens inom IT-system för sprängningsbranschen.

Consto gjør nye grep for å bekjempe arbeidsmiljøkriminalitet i bygg- og anleggsbransjen

Nå styrker et av Norges største entreprenørkonsern sitt seriøsitetsarbeid med adgangskontroll og elektroniske mannskapslister. Det landsdekkende, nordnorske entreprenkonsernet Consto har fornyet avtalen med Infobric på sine bygg og anlegg. Selskapet ønsker å bidra til bekjempelse av arbeidsmiljøkriminalitet, og vil derfor tilknytte seg en samarbeidspartner som kan dokumentere seriøsitetsarbeidet.

Infobric takes the next step with new owner Summa Equity

Infobric takes the next step with new owner Summa Equity

​Summa Equity acquires the IT and Electronics’ developer Infobric from Jönköping Business Development and becomes the majority owner of the company. With the new owner, Infobric takes the next step towards becoming the leading digitalization partner for the construction industry.

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Infobric Group is a leading provider of software solutions that set new standards for a resource-efficient and sustainable construction industry.

We are on a mission to digitalise the construction industry – with a clear focus on making it more productive, safer, and more sustainable. We offer easy-to-use solutions for complex problems that are ready to be integrated in our customer’s digital ecosystems.

Infobric Group AB

Framgången 1
55318 Jönköping