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Topics: Mergers and acquisitions

Stirling Square announces the acquisition of a majority stake in Infobric from Summa Equity

Stirling Square Capital Partners, a pan-European mid-market private equity firm, today announces the acquisition of a majority stake in Infobric, a leading provider of software solutions for the European construction industry, from Summa Equity, a purpose-driven thematic investment firm. Summa will re-invest alongside Stirling Square, and Infobric’s management team,

Infobric Group acquires TotalCar's Fleet operations - strengthens its position in Fleet Management

Infobric Group acquires TotalCar's Fleet operations - strengthens its position in Fleet Management

Infobric Group has acquired TotalCar's Fleet Management business and its customer base. TotalCar is a well-established company within Fleet & Asset Management in the Swedish market. Through the acquisition, Infobric expands its customer base within the Fleet business area and thereby strengthens its position as a leading player in the digitalisation of vehicles, machines, tools and equipment.<

Infobric is growing even more through its acquisition of BuildSafe ad EquipmentLoop.

Infobric acquires Contech companies BuildSafe and EquipmentLoop

Infobric, one of the leading SaaS companies in the Nordic countries, providing digital services for sustainable and resource-efficient construction sites, has acquired several companies this past year. Now, the group is growing even more through its acquisition of BuildSafe ad EquipmentLoop, taking the next step towards accelerating digitalisation in the construction industry.

Infobric-konsernet kjøper TelliQ AB

​Infobric, en ledende leverandør av IT-systemer for økt sikkerhet og effektivitet i byggebransjen, kjøper opp et av Sveriges største telematikkselskap, TelliQ AB, som blir gruppens Fleet-selskap. Sammen blir selskapene et sterkt og innovativt IT-konsern med en felles visjon: å skape smartere og mer bærekraftige arbeidsmetoder for sine kunder.

Infobric-koncernen förvärvar TelliQ

Infobric-koncernen förvärvar TelliQ

Infobric, ledande leverantör av IT-system för ökad säkerhet och effektivitet i byggbranschen, förvärvar ett av Sveriges största telematikföretag, TelliQ AB, som blir gruppens Fleet bolag. Tillsammans blir man en stark och innovativ IT-koncern med en gemensam vision; att skapa smartare och mer hållbara arbetssätt för sina kunder.

Med Summa Equity som ny ägare tar Infobric nästa kliv mot att bli den ledande digitaliseringspartnern för byggindustrin i Norden.

Infobric tar nästa kliv med nya ägaren Summa Equity

Summa Equity förvärvar IT- och elektronikföretaget Infobric av Jönköping Business Development och blir ny majoritetsägare i bolaget. Med Summa Equity som ny ägare tar Infobric nästa kliv mot att bli den ledande digitaliseringspartnern för byggindustrin i Norden.

Infobric Group is a leading provider of software solutions that set new standards for a resource-efficient and sustainable construction industry.

We are on a mission to digitalise the construction industry – with a clear focus on making it more productive, safer, and more sustainable. We offer easy-to-use solutions for complex problems that are ready to be integrated in our customer’s digital ecosystems.

Infobric Group AB

Framgången 1
55318 Jönköping