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Topics: Computers, computer technology, software

Infobric Group appoints Caroline Rudbeck as Head of Marketing, Brand and Communication

Infobric Group appoints Caroline Rudbeck as Head of Marketing, Brand and Communication

Infobric Group, the leading digitalisation partner for the construction industry in the Nordics and UK, strengthens its management team by recruiting Caroline Rudbeck as Group Head of Marketing, Brand & Communication.
The recruitment of Caroline Rudbeck is an important step in Infobric’s ambitious expansion plans moving forward. She will play a pivotable role in further strengthening the c

Nu lanseras Bankinitiativet – Infobrics lösningar säkerställer efterlevnad av villkoren

Nu lanseras Bankinitiativet – Infobrics lösningar säkerställer efterlevnad av villkoren

Bankinitiativet Hållbar Byggbransch är ett initiativ mellan Danske Bank, Nordea, SBAB, SEB samt Swedbank och Sparbankerna i nära samverkan med branschorganisationerna Byggherrarna och Byggföretagen. Målet är att motverka kriminalitet och skapa sund konkurrens i byggbranschen. Även Handelsbanken deltar och implementerar egna särskilda villkor inom ramen för samarbetet. Infobric har bidragit med exp

Infobric Group acquires AppSys Rent - strengthens its position as a digitalisation partner for the rental industry

Infobric Group acquires AppSys Rent - strengthens its position as a digitalisation partner for the rental industry

Infobric has acquired AppSys Rent, a comprehensive web-based solution for the rental industry which enables digital, efficient, and traceable work processes. With this acquisition, Infobric further solidifies its presence in the Swedish market.
Earlier in 2023, Infobric acquired Hyrma, Intershare, and Örndata, forming a new business unit targeting the rental industry. With the acquisition of Ap

MSite founder and CEO, Neil Norman, departs after 21 years of guiding the company to success

Liverpool, UK – September 21, 2023

MSite, a leading Construction Workforce Management provider, today announces the departure of its founder and longstanding CEO, Neil Norman, who has played a pivotal role in shaping the company's growth and establishing its market leadership in the UK. Following MSite's acquisition by Infobric in 2021, Neil has decided to embark on new entrepreneurial oppo

Digitala verktyg hjälper byggföretagen att säkra arbetsmiljön under coronapandemin. Foto: Infobric AB

Digitala verktyg hjälper byggföretagen att säkra arbetsmiljön under coronapandemin

Världen påverkas fortfarande i hög grad av coronavirusets framfart och byggbranschen likaså. På en byggarbetsplats, där ett stort antal personer ska vistas samtidigt på ett säkert sätt, krävs tydliga riktlinjer och åtgärder för att minimera risken för smittspridning. Med digitala tjänster underlättas bland annat arbetet med att identifiera risker och följa upp att rutiner och regler efterlevs.

Omega and Infobric enter joint investment to support work towards a sustainable construction industry

Omega and Infobric enter joint investment to support work towards a sustainable construction industry

Infobric and Omega PS have entered a joint investment to provide IT solutions that support a sustainable and organized construction industry. The co-owned company, HMSREG AS, will provide systems and services that improve efficiency for trustworthy construction companies, contribute to the fight against work-related crime, and contribute to fair market competition.
HMSREG AS aims to provide IT

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Infobric Group is a leading provider of software solutions that set new standards for a resource-efficient and sustainable construction industry.

We are on a mission to digitalise the construction industry – with a clear focus on making it more productive, safer, and more sustainable. We offer easy-to-use solutions for complex problems that are ready to be integrated in our customer’s digital ecosystems.

Infobric Group AB

Framgången 1
55318 Jönköping